User Experience and Usability in Singapore


UXuser experience, the subjective feelings and reactions users make when using or anticipating the use of a product, system, or service.

UCD, user-centered design; Process (Survey – Analysis – Design – Review – Improve – Repeat.)

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Influencing factors:

  • The quality of the process
  • Spiral rise of the design process
  • User’s participation

In this process, it needs to be repeated: to understand the usage, to clarify the needs of users, to make solutions, to evaluate the design, and to four activities.

Several reasons why the product failed:

  • User group defined wrong
  • Product Usage Background (User Scenario)
  • User research methods point line problem

Common methods:

1. User survey method, Focus group, Background investigation method

(Investigators looked at the user to use, while watching the question themselves do not know where, one-on-one interviews): Ask-Root-truth check, background interviews with users to understand the user’s use of the scene.

2. Scene script


How to share the user experience gained by the user to other members? Documenting User Experience: A Scene for Effectively Reproducing User Experience

2.1. Scenarios for writing scenarios

How to use scenarios and how results are drawn from the context in which users use systems or products to write stories.


User’s personal information: basic demographic information, relevant background, demand point,

Why choose to use:

Use scenarios (simple, complex, and special):

Similar user portraits

2.2. Analyze the scenario script

ux user

According to the meaning of the meaning of meaning decomposition;

In exploring the potential needs behind the user, you need to understand what the user’s actions mean in the context of the scenario;

Cautious users directly put forward the demand, user needs and solutions can not be confused;

Concrete can make a form, the header is: the script serial number – scenario script – reflect the user needs – the solution

2.3. Evaluation scenario script: Interview again

Must be understood in the context of user requirements, converted into real user needs.

3. User role design

To make our target user image more specific, we are now starting to design the user role.

The role of access often go through the following steps:

  • Recruiting users to interview;
  • Group users, in general, divided into 3-7 groups;
  • Define the user image representing each group;
  • Add realistic personal information to each user’s image;

A project eventually produce 6-7 characters, according to product characteristics and market value, the separation of the protagonist, supporting role; (the role of priority varies by project),

Because of the need for an agile development model, the roles that are created from the data are more applicable, and more temporary roles are used at this time.

4. Prototype

T prototype: Two ways to make some pages: horizontal and vertical prototypes;

Horizontal Prototyping: Just make a prototype of your homepage and first-level link pages, and you’ll see all the menus on the homepage, which are free to choose, but not applicable (shallow prototypes)

Vertical Prototype: Prototypes that have only one feature, such as a vertical prototype with website registration, can be registered by users rather than searchable.

T prototype, combined with horizontal and vertical prototype, both breadth and depth.

Production Tools:

Be careful when making prototypes: you do not have to make a perfect prototype, and designers and programmers do not necessarily have the skills to make prototypes. Therefore, the prototype should involve all members of the design team, and the team as a whole has been repeatedly discussing In theory, the details of the interface to determine, and then draw on it.

You can even use pen and paper to discuss the team. Do not rigidly adhere to the tools or other, it is important that the communication of ideas and the realization of the final details, make the best choice.

Production methods:

Card classification (allowing users to write the information card classification)

As a way of designing information, it can be used to design the user interface; this is a hierarchical design: it is divided into closed and open.

Closed card taxonomy: also known as the directory with the card taxonomy, the category name almost certain, you want to determine the validity of their generic; or you want to study how the specific material will be classified. This can be based on a questionnaire online survey, but this can not see the user trial and error process, so the material provided in advance trial and error repeatedly. (Mainly used to evaluate and improve the design team’s ideas)

Open card taxonomy: Without the directory, users are free to group the cards of all the material names. Once all the card categories are completed, ask the user to name each group. (More exploratory, although qualitative analysis centered on users’ words and deeds, there is some quantitative analysis – common cluster analysis, classification and merging)

Delphi method: Repeatedly collect experts’ opinions and feedbacks, and control the results within a certain range so as to achieve the method of improving the prediction accuracy. Basic process: collect expert advice – statistics and feedback again, based on the statistical results again given comments – repeated 1 to 2 steps.

Delphi card taxonomy: Based on the previous methods, in order to save manpower and resources to take a compromise way. The process: First, create a prototype of the information structure – Invite a number of survey participants to modify their prototypes as they wish – continuing the first two steps until the result is limited to a certain range. The final form a consistent step.

5. Product usability evaluation method

Summative evaluation: performance test method, test the user’s target compliance rate, the time required, subjective satisfaction. Too much before and after design

Formative Evaluation: Thinking method occurs so that the interface can be used, while “what is being thought out” can be used repeatedly in the design process; the formative evaluation should be emphasized throughout.

Analytical method: expert review

Experimental method: user test, questionnaire

Product Usability Testing: Experts refer to the instruction manual of the user interface design for the general method of interface evaluation.

Such as heuristic evaluation method (based on the user interface design principle of a test method)

Ten principles: the visibility of the state of the system; the coordination of the system with reality; the degree of user manipulation and freedom; consistency and standardization; prevention of errors; recognition of good memories; flexibility and efficiency; concise and aesthetically pleasing design; helping users to recognize, Judgment, fixing errors; help documentation and user manuals;

Implementation steps:

Step 1: recruiting appraisers; product usability engineers or interface designers

Step 2: Develop evaluation plan; determine the specific needs based on what kind of principles to implement, pay attention to evaluation objectives;

Step 3: implementation of evaluation; specific evaluation method by the implementation staff to decide, you can first check the interface process is normal, the second check whether there is a problem with the interface;

Step 4: hold evaluators meeting, evaluate the discussion between people, record common problems and special problems

Step 5: summarize the evaluation results; that is, form a list of product usability issues,

Such as cognitive process walk check (based on human cognitive model to test the method)

First, users’ existing skills and experience influence the outcome of exploratory learning, followed by product features and the impact of mission-critical tasks. Finally, the “operation steps” and “interface” of the task are generally made into an interface flow chart,

Analysis steps: When preparing the test object, the evaluator usually prepares to ask four questions:

Q1: Do users know what they are going to do?

Q2: In exploring the user interface, did you notice the operation?

Q3: Do users associate their purpose and method of operation?

Q4: Can the user judge from the feedback of the system whether the task is going on smoothly?

6. User testing

Thinking method occurs: thinking while operating;

Retrospective method: let the user answer the question after completing the operation;

Performance Test: Quantitative Measurement, Validity, Efficiency, Satisfaction

7. Agile development

The product is divided into small functions, with 1-4 new short-term development as a unit for iteration, each iteration of the design, development, testing and all other development-related steps.

Author: The Realm


Source: Jane book

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