Entries from 2017-12-01 to 1 month

3 Tips for Ecommerce Website Design in Singapore

As people’s lifestyle changes, the proportion of e-commerce in the social retail market gradually rises. E-commerce websites have become the focus of attention of enterprises, small sellers and webmasters, and have become one of the major …

Do You know Information Architecture in Singapore?

What is the information architecture? Estimated that you are not sure because of just search the Internet, a variety of definitions blowing, people messy. Nonsense not to say, looked at a bunch of definitions and data, the final defragment…

How to Design Information Architecture in Singapore

Concept There are a lot of definitions in the website. Widely informed are: A, information architecture [noun] What is “information”? Information, data and knowledge. Data is facts and figures … Knowledge is the things in the human brain ……

Information Architecture of Product Design in Singapore

For most of the inexperienced product managers in the design of the product from the easy to perceive part of the start, such as visual design, interactive design, etc., but a qualified product manager in the design of the product from the…

Three Reflections on User Experience in Singapore

Author: zengzhiyan editor: Netease user experience centre “A product does not work, no matter how good the user experience will not go to use .– Do you think this sentence is right or wrong?” I have initiated such discussion in the weibo. …

Elements of User Experience: “User Experience” in Singapore

Why is user experience so important? 1.What is the user experience User experience does not mean how the product itself works, but rather “how the product comes into contact with and functions with the outside world,” which is how people a…

What is UX on Earth in Singapore?

A few years ago, when I mentioned user experience or interaction design, most of my friends were forcible except for some industry friends. Now every Internet company is talking about the user, talk about the experience, talk about the use…

What is the Difference between User Experience and Usability in Singapore

What is a good user experience? What is the difference between usability and ease of use? This is one of the things that you have not stopped thinking about since you did this job because different interpretations of user experience lead t…

5 UX Principles in Singapore

Today for everyone to share an article about user experience design principles. The author is Lu Yi Louis, who had more than five years of user experience team. This article is He brought the team some experience in the past few years and …

What is a UX Designer Like in Singapore

Are you a UX designer? Do you really know what is a UX designer like? For me, I study Industry Design in my college life. I was educated with a lot of design theories by our teachers, including UCD(User Centered Design). I also know user e…

How to Create UX Surprise in Singapore

UX has levels Everything makes a user experience impression on the user.User experience(UX) refers to a particular feeling and attitude about using a particular product, service and system. User experience is how the user interacts and exp…

User Experience = Usability in Singapore?

In recent years, the term product usability has become more and more known to the general public. Product usability engineers may not have heard of many occupations in China, but they have already held specialized positions in Europe and t…

5 Points of User Experience Upgrade in Singapore

Conquered by you like this Passing a bakery egg shop, a rich smell of nostrils, I can not help but stop and be tempted to the door. Came to the window, I asked the clerk said, what taste of the cake? The clerk pointed to the front of a tou…

5 Goals of User Experience Design in Singapore

We often say that the product’s user experience design is very important, but what exactly is the user experience? The following five UX design goals progressive, help you in the shortest possible time a clear user experience design direct…

User Cognition: How to Understand User Experience Design from 0 in Singapore?

Wikipedia: The so-called design, that is, “imagination and planning, vision is the purpose of the plan is the process of arrangement”, usually refers to the goal and plan of creative behaviour, activities. 1. Understand The definition of a…

The User Experience of Skype vs WeChat in Office Scenario in Singapore

Skype and WeChat are two online communication applications. How do you think their user experience? On function and user interface design? Function comparison They have so many similar functions. You may use both of them at the same time. …

USER, a Usability Testing Service Provider in Singapore

USER is a pioneer in the user experience research field. Usability testing is an important part of all the service. We offered publicly available labs and continue to be a leader in the field. USER offers a full range of services and tools…

The importance of website design in Singapore

The key areas of thought before you commence website design The business domain across the globe has turned extremely competitive these days and if you have to win over this competition, you will inevitably require putting a solid online p…

Excellent Mobile App Scenario-based UI Design Cases in Singapore

User Interface(UI) is where the user will interact with product. Mobile phones user interfaces are most frequently touched in our daily life. UI design has many kinds of styles, flat or material design. Today we will talk about mobile app …

Apply 5 Elements of UX in E-commerce Website Design in Singapore

5 Elements of UX is put forward by Jesse James Garrett, from the bottom to up is the Strategy, Scope, Structure, Skeleton and Surface. The five planes structure defines principles a product needs to follow, and from conception to completio…

Can You Imagine If You don’t Involve Users in Design Process in Singapore?

UCD(user-centred design) has been a popular and deeply rooted in the heart design thinking. In our daily design work, we execute it thoroughly. Involving user is the essence. Can you imagine if you don’t involve users in the design process…

Do you know what is usability testing in Singapore?

Usability testing is a method used to evaluate how easy a website is to use. The tests take place with real users to measure how ‘usable’ or ‘intuitive’ a website is and how easy it is for users to reach their goals. The key difference bet…

Top Usability Testing Services in Singapore

To ensure the product is designed user-friendly, usable, findable, useful, desirable, accessible, credible and valuable, organizations need to use usability testing technology to evaluate how easy it is for users to interact with the produ…

Usability Testing Types in Singapore

What is Usability? Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. It is comprised of five factors, Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors, and Satisfaction. Improving usability means methods for…

Consistency in Omni Channel User Experience in Singapore

UX(User Experience) has become the core competence of every company. Generally, one company may develop more than one product, you may develop products for different purposes or adapt to different channels or terminals. At this time consis…

Do You Really Understand Information Architecture in Singapore?

What is the information architecture? Estimated that you are not sure because of just search the Internet, a variety of definitions blowing, people messy. Nonsense not to say, looked at a bunch of definitions and data, the final finishing …

The importance of user testing in Singapore

User testing: User testing is a great way to discover problems with your website or app. But how does it work? Why is it such a valuable method? And which type of user testing can you use in which situation? How does user testing work? You…

Why Most Interface Design Use Blue in Singapore?

In our daily life, you can find an interesting phenomenon. If you scan your apps on your mobile phone, you can find most interface designs use blue, such as DingDing, TIM, Youdao note, Linkedin, Zhifubao, App store, Zhihu, Skype, Facebook.…

Experience Design vs Service Design in Singapore

I often hear such a question, what is the difference between Experience Design and Service Design? In my opinion, the difference between Experience Design and Service Design can be answered simply and generally. Service is “How you deliver…

A Quick Introduction of 5 User Experience Elements in Singapore

Jesse James Garrett defined User Experience as the way the product comes into contact with the outside world and developed five planes of user experience elements. From the bottom up is the Strategy, Scope, Structure, Skeleton and Surface.…