What is UX on Earth in Singapore?

A few years ago, when I mentioned user experience or interaction design, most of my friends were forcible except for some industry friends. Now every Internet company is talking about the user, talk about the experience, talk about the user-centred design, talk about user experience design. How many people really think about it: What is the user experience in the end? This word hanging every day, do you really understand?

1. The definition of user experience

Users in the use of products, services, the subjective feeling of the system. This is a well-accepted definition of user experience, with three key points: users; products/ services/systems; subjective feelings.

user design in Singapore

User: Even with the product’s target audience, your product meets the needs of those people and solves their pain points. Products / Services / Systems: Instead of using products, I’ve added services and systems to illustrate the breadth of user experience. When I use my app, I was involved in KTV singing when I was browsing websites. Subjective feelings: can be interpreted as awareness, emotion, for example: when buying a ticket due to the constant error in the code so that did not buy tickets, then use the purchase of the software user experience is bad, depressed and even angry; use snapchat When the cute filter is amused, impressed by a simple operation is a good user experience, this time your feelings are pleasant, relaxed and natural.

2. The origin of user experience design

User experience design is the 90’s of last century by the famous psychologist, user experience designer Donald? Donald Rothman is the author of the famous Design Psychology.

Few of the Internet products at that time were designed and developed from the perspective of the user and were basically based on the realization of the model. Such products came out and encountered various problems during the use of the user. As a result, the operation cost was too high and affected effectiveness. Based on this background, Donald Rohman proposed to design and develop the product from the perspective of the user-centred and the psychological model of the target user. This is the origin of the user experience design.

3. Design concept

Unlike architectural designers, industrial designers, graphic designers, interactive designers, etc., these are all about a design profession, architects design the spatial structure, interactive designers design information architecture, navigation, page Frame The user experience design a design concept, thinking. This design philosophy requires Internet practitioners, respect the user’s feelings, to help users in the use of products before and after have a good experience. That is Internet products from the realization and function return to the people themselves.

For Hara, his design philosophy was Re-design: to re-think everyday items from the point of view of product nature and humanity and to redesign them. Naoto Kan’s design philosophy is biased in favour of without thought (unconscious design), so that people use a product unconsciously, do not need to think, it is natural.

The good design concept is actually interlinked, will involve people, will think people, thinking about the relationship between products and life. For the Internet products, user experience design is such a good design concept.

4. Five levels

User Experience Essentials, a book about user experience design, is described in detail by Jesse James Garrett, who describes home experience design at five levels. They are strategic level, scope level, structural level, framework level and presentation level. In other words, the user experience is not only the product design phase of the concern but from the company’s strategy, business model thinking should be considered, the concept of user experience design throughout the production process.

user in Singapore

The strategic level involves the product target and the user’s demand; The scope level includes the function definition and the content definition; The structure level mainly has the interaction design and the information architecture design; The frame level includes the interface design, the navigation design, the information design; Due to the increasingly complex Internet products, these tasks are gradually divided into multiple positions to complete the work together, middle and senior management will formulate a good company strategy; product managers focus on the scope of the work; interaction designer is responsible for the structural and framework layers, at the same time Involves the scope of layers and presentation layer; UI designer scope of work for the presentation layer.

user interface

But no matter what position, do not be limited by their title, should try to start from the strategic level, thinking down layers of business model, product positioning, requirements analysis, information architecture, interactive design, visual design and other issues. If an interaction designer confines his vision to the structural and architectural layers, he can not see the whole picture of the company and the product. It is inevitable to understand the requirements and design the product. So no matter what your title is, put your eye on the world and use first principles to think about the problem (on the first principle, see the last article, “A Magical Product Formula”).

5. User experience map

The above brief introduction to the five levels of user experience design, and the relationship between the five levels and the Internet product development process. Then introduce a practical methodology: the concept of user experience design using specific methods – user experience map.

Before introducing this method, we must make it clear that the user experience is not only related to the use of the product, but also to the whole process of the user’s access to the product before and after the product is used. Only from the entire process to pay attention to the impact of user experience on the product, in order to improve the overall product user experience.

For example, some time ago Hangzhou Metro was contracted by Netease cloud music, Netease cloud music will be printed within the community a variety of popular music reviews plastered the entire subway. Allow users to wait for the subway process, you can see the comments of others to pass the time and emotional resonance, so that cloud music users have a good experience, so that potential users can not use the product when the product can Generate curiosity and affection. Including the know-how of video ads, are examples of users before using the product to get a good experience.

The user experience map is to draw the charts of each process before and after the product is used by the user, and the bar graph is used to represent the level of user experience under the critical path. Each critical path has a point that affects the user experience. Find out these points and improve.

Registering and logging in is meaningless to the user, but the product needs to get the user’s account information to manage the user and store the user’s data. This time how to reduce the registration process flow, reduce the registration operation costs can improve the user experience. Including: click the different text box pop-up the corresponding keyboard, provide third-party authorization login, login with the mobile phone verification code instead of the mailbox password login and so on.

Through the user experience map, users can use the product in various processes can encounter problems can be summed up and can be solved one by one, thereby enhancing the overall product to the user satisfaction.

Today, the user experience and user experience design are introduced from five aspects: definition of user experience, the origin of user experience design, design concept, different levels of user experience design, and user experience map. While others simply talk about user experience and user experience design, you have a full understanding of the concepts and methodology of user experience. Is not this a popular cognitive upgrade?

Author: Zouzhi Nan

Link: https://www.jianshu.com/p/ae2632499af1

Source: Jane book

Copyright belongs to the author. Commercial reprint, please contact the author authorized, non-commercial reprint, please indicate the source.

read more: http://user-experience-in-sg.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/12/27/121932