Is User Experience Really Important in Singapore


Product Manager A: “I’m born for the ultimate user experience.”

Boss B: “In order to achieve this effect, we modified more than a dozen version of the design, the pixel pursuit of millimetres”

Boss C: “Move this avatar to the right by 2 pixels, etc., move 1 pixel to the left .. Yes, zoom in a little …”

Product Manager D: “Without a good user experience, how do users like your product?”

Above scenes, are not familiar or empathy? User experience, the word became known as the fiery Internet, often see many product managers slogan read “the pursuit of the ultimate user experience,” or even a pompous conference, all the big guys are crazy about their product experience How well, in order to achieve this effect has changed how many versions; in order to pursue millimeter-level pixels to pull the number of design draft (such as APP). Around the gradual rise of a “no good user experience cannot get the market,” the remarks.

So, I ask, is user experience so important?

Before discussing a problem, clear the frontier. The broad user experience includes all the feelings that the product gives the user (including everything that features, looks, actions, etc.). This definition is too broad. Argumentation is meaningless. The scope of user experience in this article is confined to the presentation layer only (Garrett divides the elements of user experience into five levels in the classic book, “Elements of User Experience,” namely, Strategy Level, Scope Level, Skeleton Level, Surface layer.), Such as appearance, interaction, layout, packaging and so on.

From the questioning tone of the title, I know what I will discuss in this article, the user experience is not as important as imagined.

1. The importance of user experience depends on the user’s interest in the user experience

The needs of users are evolving. Just as Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs, the needs of more advanced users will be highlighted only when the needs of lower levels are basically fulfilled.

user testing

(Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory: If a person also lacks the food, safety, love and respect, the demand for food is usually the strongest, while the other needs are less important. Occupy, all energy is used to obtain food.In this extreme situation, the full meaning of life is to eat, the other does not matter.Only when the human liberation under the control of physiological needs, may appear more advanced, The need for more socialized needs, such as security needs.)

Clayton Christensen in the book “Innovator’s Dilemma” divides the user’s purchase of products into four phases, functionality, reliability, convenience, and price. Only when the current one is basically satisfied by the market can the user’s attention be shifted to the next one.

“If you are doing pornography network, you will take more time to find a film, or concerned about the user experience?”

The user’s needs are subject to the needs of the market to meet the status quo. Such as mobile phones, mobile Internet industry Red Sea competition, the pursuit of user experience without errors. But if you are currently engaged in the development of blue ocean market … please! please! please! First, the importance of user experience to reduce it!

User experience should be more a game, a balance that is achieved across all product attributes. In addition, the extreme of anything means biased and unbalanced. The ultimate user experience, your time is really enough!

Ideally, the product starts from the user

The actual situation, the product from the market

User experience is not necessarily important, depending on the market competitive landscape.

2. The importance of user experience depends on the current product phase

user testing in singapore

Toyota’s Lean Thinking Methodology is evolving, but the product waterfall flow methodology (discovering opportunities – defining products – developing products – going online) is still alive with variations in traditional product development processes.

The essence of lean thinking is to eliminate waste and accept defects. The core philosophy is “I fuckly do not know what the user needs is! Walk around to see chanting”

“Do not know if this need is not what the user needs, then what to do? Investigate the chant! The user’s mind is different how to do? Then test the chant! That function should be done before testing? Do a little look, you can not waste… “

Focus on iteration, do first, users feel good, perfect it.

The traditional waterfall flow thinking is in control. The core premise is “I know the needs of users !, I know the needs of users!”

“This demand is the user wants, right, you realize it! Must be perfect”

Focus on perfection, even if you spend more time, step by step, to be perfect!

There is a word, continuous learning, let me gradually find I am so ignorant. Perhaps it can be extended to product managers. Continued growth, I found out I knew nothing about the needs of users.

The product development process is divided into three phases (summarized from lean thinking).

1. Requirements verification stage

Verify that the user has the needs that you want to address, such as investigating whether the user has a requirement for a gun.

2. Solution verification phase

Verify that your solution is accepted by the user, about the demand for the gun solution is exactly unfamiliar? Still good UBER?

3. Product development stage

Needs and solutions are OK, into the product development period, focus on more features, experience the level of things.

It can be seen from the above, the first phase and second phase user experience is not so important! The third stage is the need to really value the user experience.

So, what stage should do what stage it!

Sum up

User experience is not the only factor that determines whether a product is accepted. Many factors such as price, availability, stability, timeliness, etc. are just as important to it. The reason why the product is accepted by the user is the result of the coordination and game of multiple attributes of itself.

At different stages of the product, attention to the user experience should be different. Only after requirements and solutions have been initially validated, should users pay more attention to the user experience.

Some people may refute here, you do not pay attention to the user experience early, the product how some people use it? (I want to say is that the degree of concern about the user experience to reduce, does not mean that do not pay attention to, but does not pursue the user experience out of colour, only requires no significant reduction of attitude).

My advice on user experience:

  • Do not stop by the end
  • Do not optimize prematurely
  • Do not subjectively imagine
  • Do not do more with less
  • Do not perfectionism

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