User Experience is More Than Usability in Singapore


In the whole field of website design, the hottest words this year are “user experience” and “usability”, but most people do not usually know their difference, including many designers, including the understanding of a product often “usability” is not good to say that the product’s “user experience” is not good, in fact, this is wrong.

“User Experience” and “Usability” are two completely different concepts.

What is user experience?

Also referred to as the customer experience when referring to an e-commerce website, user experience refers to the entire experience of a user visiting a website or using a product. Their impressions and feelings, success, enjoyment, whether they want to come back / use. They can tolerate problems, doubts and the extent of BUG.

User experience includes four factors: brand, function, usability and content.

What is usability?

The definition of usability factors is mainly divided into the following points: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Utility, Safety, Learning ability, Memorability.

As you can see from the definition, “usability” is only one part of the “user experience”, a user experience is also influenced by Brand, Function, Content, and more.

For example, design sites generally have to use a lot of flash and pictures, rich colors, in order to increase the personality of the site often make the entrance and the connection is very subtle and peculiar, this time the site from some point of view its ” Ease of use “is not very good, but this does not affect the entire site to the user experience, on the contrary, special connections, hidden entrances often make this design site more interesting.

In fact, the user experience impact of a product should be analyzed from a comprehensive point of view, user experience includes many factors that can affect him, “usability” is only one of the factors that influence. When you design the product to face different user groups, the proportion of influencing factors in the user experience will be different, such as the above example of the design site, its multifaceted user groups, designers, designers are often trendy , Personality, creative, very sensitive to color and image, animation, so this time user experience, the percentage of the ease of use is relatively low and the proportion of visual effects occupy a relatively high. And email such web applications, people and computers interact more frequently and use it to deal with something often, this time the user experience in the “ease of use” ratio is relatively high.

Experience is often a product overall to the user a comprehensive feeling, and “usability” may be the whole may be part of, for example, we often say that this site’s menu is set unreasonable, poor usability. However, if the overall structure of the site, the analysis of the context, will find that does not affect the user’s experience of the entire site user experience.

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