12 traits of excellent usability testing host in Singapore

usability testing

No matter who will host the usability testing, the excellent usability testing host has the same traits. If you want to be the usability testing host in your team, here are 12 traits you must have.


It can enhance the perception of interaction, operation, information or potential questions if the host has background of human information processing, cognitive psychology, UCD design. With this background, the host can find most unnoticed questions. The host can control when to continue to ask the interviewee, and what content to show in a report. This method can also help the host to avoid condition that causes user confused, e.g. setting the user role at the wrong place. At last, having the background of usability engineering can make the host focus on the most important problems after the testing.

Quick learn

An efficient testing host may not need to know every details of the product, such as a data management system product, testing host doesn’t have to be expert of data management. But the host must absorb the new concepts, and merge them to his thinking.The host must absorb wide information about the product, such as the marketing position, competitors and history questions. In the testing, the host should have the ability to understand the behavior, expression and implied information. Having this ability, host can do consult and ask effectively.


The host may need to take care of some interviewees, or appease, Some of the interviewee may need to be taken good care of, some may need appease, some may need business and formal way to get along with. No matter what type, the test host must make every one feel comfortable and safe.

Excellent memory


Though there is testing record, the testing host also has to memory in the testing process. Because a testing will take a long time, and the host needs to remember the user behavior and expression, and make confirmation and research with behavior and expression later. For example, an interviewee may have different behaviors in the same task, the host needs to understand why.

Memory is also needed after testing to recall the testing result. Because in common situation, you don’t have spare time to search the record, memory and notes will be more efficient at this time.

Good listener

As a host, you need to abandon your preconception and stubborn views, The host needs to understand the contents and voiceover under mixed information. The host must have the ability to identify the tiny difference from the indirectly expression. Understanding the rationality behind user behavior is critical. Because it will determine whether to change or not.

Tolerance vague

Usability isn’t a precise subject, you can’t make sure the effectiveness and the sample covers all kinds of users. In contrast, with a lot of contradictory information, the usability testing may be vague frequently. For example, you may consider two options in some tasks, while, in testing, you find there are another four options by interviewees. The host needs have patience and tolerance vague.


One trait of an efficient is flexibility, he knows when to go against the testing plan. When an interviewee is not fit for our expected skills and understanding of tasks, you should stop and solve this question decidedly to avoid dangerous occasions.

Long time attention

Though usability testing may be boring, the host must keep long attention on it in case he will find some valuable discovery.

Good at empathy


Empathy ability of host will play a huge role at the first 2 hours of warming, you can explore the real opinions and feeling of interviewees in maximally.

Overall thinking


The host can refine valuable information from a lot of information collected in the testing. You need to focus on the total content and ignore the details and take all process into consideration.

Good at communication


It is an essential quality for the host to be good at communication.The host needs to keep good communication with developers, interviewees, observer. The host needs to have ability to persuade all team member to concept the change, and explain the reasons. Good copy-writer skills is also necessary, because testing report is the only way to show to colleagues. It is also a history document to trace back.

Good organizational skills and collaborative ability

Even an easy testing needs management specific details, events and milestone node. You should be responsible to ensure the fine operation of machine, timely arrival of all interviewees, full preparation of products. In addition, the host is the core node of the team, he must collabore all members and involve external consulting force.

USER usability testing service

USER is an experienced UX company in Asia Pacific, apart from UX design, usability testing is one of the most important service of its business. USER might be the only user experience research team in Singapore teamed up with a group of PHD from National University Singapore and Nanyang Technology University. The usability host is an human factor expert with over 10 years experiences.

They have done usability testing for various industries and product, e.g. web, app, e-commerce platform, and smart appliances. USER Experience Researchers uses a variety of methods including:User Survey, Focus Group, User Interview, Observation, Contextual Inquiry. It uses Screen Recording, Screen Sharing, Voice Recording, Webcam Recording, Visualizations of User Behavior.

It is based in Singapore, and has subsidiaries in China, Japan, Philippines and Vietnam. So it is convenient for the usability testing be undertaken online or offline. It can offer local human resource support. Contact USER for Usability Testing Services. Kindly click this link https://www.user.com.sg/5-usability-testing-tools-to-use/ and fill up the contact us form below, we will reply you 24//7 ASAP. Or you can email us at project@user.com.sg,  or call us at +65-88621623.

Hope this article will be useful and you can find the suitable people for your usability testing.

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