Concept of User Experience and Design in Singapore


The definition of user experience, although there is an ISO 9241-210, I think its description is too “scattered”, too academic. So flipping over online, I decided to use this definition:

User Experience (UX) is a purely subjective experience that is established in the course of the user’s use of the product. Mentioned in the definition of three keywords, namely, users, process and subjective feelings. I think these three keywords constitute the soul of the user experience.

User Experience


The user means that the definition of a good user experience is different for different target users. So if you are out of the user, is unable to evaluate a product’s user experience.

Many of my friends may think that we should try our best to make the product “easy”, and it is better for users to use it “naturally” without learning. This principle may be right for most mass-market products. But in other cases, not necessarily. For example, Mito Xiu Xiu and Photoshop can handle the picture, but which of their user experience is good, which is not good? I think it really cannot simply conclusion.

Mito Xiu Xiu target users may be some sister paper. One of their typical user scenarios is to take a selfie on their cellphone, hoping to make themselves “more beautiful,” and send it to a circle of friends. Most of the sister paper estimates did not learn the design or art, may not understand photography, but meituxiu Sau allows sister paper only through a simple click, select, you can put their photos into the United States. Do not need too much thinking, do not need professional knowledge, so in this scene, its “user experience” is good.

However, the target user of Photoshop, it is estimated that these sister paper, but professional designers. For a professional designer, he works with Photoshop, and “being able to help designers express their ideas to the maximum” is a good user experience. To do this, professional designers do not mind going deep into the way this software is used. From the “ease of use” point of view, Photoshop is obviously not easy to use, but for professional designers, it’s great!

Look at an example: In modern electronic products, the graphical interface has been widely used. We generally believe that the graphical interface more vivid, easy to use, easy to learn. From this perspective, the user experience of the graphical interface is good. But if you ask a professional O & M engineer about whether to use a graphical interface or a command line when configuring a server, they basically pick the command line. Compared to the graphical interface, the command line’s “ease of use” is too bad, do not learn does not use. But for the operation and maintenance engineers, the command line is more concise, accurate and efficient. They use the command line to be more productive, get jobs done faster and better, and then go home with their wives. This is the user experience alright.


The process tells us that in designing the user experience, you need to consider the user’s environment and the use of the scene.

Most of the environments where we use computers are relatively stable, such as offices, homes, cafes and so on. However, the use of mobile phones is not necessarily the environment, it may be in the subway car, the elevator, travel on the road, which means that the use of mobile phones may be accompanied by shaking, light changes, network instability and so on. So when doing a specific design, there will be some differences between the two sides.

For example: In many reading class applications, will provide “night mode” function. If you sleep in the bed before lying in bed, turn off the lights around, the usual black and white screen may become very dazzling, then the background will be dark, lower text and background contrast in the Darkness can help you better read. So at this time “invisible” text user experience is good.

Subjective feelings

Subjective feelings prompt us, do not float on the surface. An excellent product manager or designer will listen to the user’s feedback but will never be led by the user. They need to dig out the real needs behind the user’s subjective feelings.

It is said that Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford said: “If I had to ask customers what they want, they will tell me: a faster horse.” There have been many people on the Internet In particular, after the publication of “The Biography of Steve Jobs,” many people use this as an argument to prove that user research is useless. The subjective “feeling” of product designers is the key.

I have no objection to the importance of “feeling”, but in fact, as long as we can make a brief analysis of these words, Ford’s customers actually have clearly expressed their needs, but they are not “horse” But “faster”. The car eventually surpassed its competitors – one of the important factors is indeed faster. So above the speed, the car’s user experience is good. But whether it can explain the horse’s user experience is not good? Of course not, if it is to reach a place where there is no road bumpy, even if it is still faster than speed, it will be better or worse.


Most of the time, what we call internal design refers to a narrow design, with a strong emphasis on the “presentation layer” design. Most of the various “user experience design teams” within internet companies are at the interface level. However, the interface can represent the user experience?

In fact, in my understanding, the scope of designing these two words is very big, even exaggerated. It can be said that all the work done by mankind is divided into two things. One is called design Another is called engineering. To think, what to do, how to do, called design; to do, called engineering. And in modern society, most of the work actually consists of both, but only a few more.

There are four main factors that affect the user experience of Internet products. All of these factors actually need to be designed. Any of these “design” is not reasonable and the conclusion is that “the user experience is not good.” They are product strategy, user interface, technology, operations.

From this perspective, the user experience can be covered by the designer, in fact, only a user interface only part of it. The so-called design, it is to have a broader extension.

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